January 2021 Newsletter

In our December newsletter we said we anticipated a decision for our Community Asset Transfer (CAT) request by the end of January and had expected the decision to be made by 17 January. However, NHS Tayside have taken longer to assess our request and the decision will not now be made until the next formal …

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Brechin Healthcare Group AGM minutes 28/10/2020 on Zoom

Present: Grahame Lockhart Hamish Greig Alison Cameron Lindsay Cameron Moira Robertson Dick Robertson Gary Robertson Joyce Galt John McKenna Frances Keats Irene Thompson Nilima Puthu Irene Gillies Helen Christie Margaret Jones Geoffrey Rose Anne Thompson Jean Clark Veronica Page Keith Fraser Jane Cuthill Apologies: Gail Greig Stanley Callaghan Ruth Bergen Elizabeth Baillie Margaret Jamieson Callum …

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Report on The Jenner Centre by Moira Robertson at the AGM

  One of the driving forces for developing the Jenner Centre was to show that, in preparation for a move to the Brechin Infirmary Site, BHG could respond to local need and actually do what we had been talking about for some time. The plans grew from comments we gathered from local people about the …

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Current Users of The Jenner Centre

Below is a list of current service providers who are using the Jenner Centre for their consultations. The list will be refreshed as and when more providers sign in…. 1.        NHS Listening Service. To use the service either call The Jenner Centre (07547 794996) or the Listening service directly (07967 771941) 2.  …

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October Update

All of us will be finding the current Covid restrictions challenging in many different ways but one good piece of news in amongst the gloom is that the Jenner Centre is proving to be an invaluable support centre for a number of organisations. Such is the demand for rooms that if all the organisations who …

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September Update

Since our last newsletter in May we have moved forward in two main areas, the Jenner Centre and our Community Asset Transfer (CAT) request for the Brechin Infirmary site to develop a health and wellbeing hub. At the end of June we picked up the keys for the Jenner Centre and during July and August …

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