Have you seen our news?

After meeting with NHS Tayside chiefs the beginning of April, we agreed with NHS Tayside that we would let them be the one to publish our exciting news.  We waited until they gave the ‘green light’ and were almost bursting by the time we were able to send out a narrative of our plans to …

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Scottish Health Consultation

Scottish Government have launched a consultation on the proposals for the new national public health body, ‘Public Health Scotland’. All responses must be submitted before 8th July 2019. Please give them your opinion:   https://consult.gov.scot/public-health/public-health-scotland/

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Parent B.R.E.A.K.

BHG is helping start a parent’s group called Parent B.R.E.A.K. (Brechiners Raising Education Around Kids)    This group is for all parents, both primary and secondary in Brechin, Edzell and the Glens. Every parent wants the best for their children, but sometimes it is difficult to know just what needs to be done to help …

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Our C.A. T. is in the Hands of NHS Tayside

From Grahame Lockhart, our Chair: We’re delighted to say that our Community Asset Transfer (CAT) application for the Brechin Infirmary site and our application for funding from the Scottish Land Fund were both sent off at the end of March. In both our applications we included a number of letters of support from different groups …

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Meet your Trustee, Dr T S Callaghan MD MSc(HRM) FRCPE

I am an Ulsterman, born in Limavady, a small town then about the size of Brechin:  I studied at the local school and then Medicine at The Queens University of Belfast, graduating with Honours. Incidentally and crucially I met my rather wonderful future wife, Irene, there:  she threw me out of Casualty on the night …

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Steering Committee has been busy!

The Steering Committee of Brechin Healthcare Group is made of trustees and other member volunteers.  Following on from the successful help that was given to obtain 2,500 signatures for our petition,  these winter months have been a busy time for the steering committee.  The Business plan and the Community Asset Transfer have been re-written  to …

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