Category: BHG News

Meet your Trustee, Dr T S Callaghan MD MSc(HRM) FRCPE

I am an Ulsterman, born in Limavady, a small town then about the size of Brechin:  I studied at the local school and then Medicine at The Queens University of Belfast, graduating with Honours. Incidentally and crucially I met my rather wonderful future wife, Irene, there:  she threw me out of Casualty on the night …

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Steering Committee has been busy!

The Steering Committee of Brechin Healthcare Group is made of trustees and other member volunteers.  Following on from the successful help that was given to obtain 2,500 signatures for our petition,  these winter months have been a busy time for the steering committee.  The Business plan and the Community Asset Transfer have been re-written  to …

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Brechin Healthwatch Group

Brechin Healthwatch Group continues to go from strength to strength!  BHG is working with the high school to set up a ‘safe place’ within the high school where pupils can go when they feel they need to speak with someone, or just to be still.  BHG is also looking into setting up a ‘Parents Supporting …

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A Big Thank You

A Big Thank You to all who filled out the Scottish Community Alliance Survey.    They also helped with a Stakeholders and Partners analysis and our appreciation goes to all who participated in this as well. 85% of those filling out the Survey were for a Health and Wellbeing Hub in the area.  The biggest need …

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New Trustees

At the January trustees meeting there were three new trustees welcomed.  They are Alison Cameron,  Lindsay Cameron and Stanley Callaghan. From Alison: I’m a mature, mother of 2, married to the recently retired local vet, and have been interested and worked in healthcare most of my adult life.  After leaving school I trained as a …

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A fantastic personal wellbeing website to check out!

NHS UK has produced an excellent website for personal wellbeing.  It is entitled ‘One You’ and it is worth your time! This website has a quiz to help you see where you are health wise and where you need to pay a little more attention.  It has connections for apps to help you quit smoking, or …

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