The Jenner Centre – DD9 Connections Issue No 18
It’s two months since we moved in and plans are afoot to take advantage of the different space we now have. To help us get it right we’re welcoming people to a couple of Open Days, Tuesday 27th August and Thursday 29th August both from 2pm to 7pm. There will be tea and coffee and some tasty bites. We’re hoping to see many of our regular visitors but also those from agencies and organisations who we feel not only could benefit from using our premises but provide important services for our community.
Although we are expecting to welcome other services to the Jenner Centre in the near future – details not confirmed yet – we have an Arts and Crafts Group beginning on Monday 12th August 1.30 – 3.30pm with a charge of £3 per person. Alison has organised this so that those who sew, knit and do other crafts can get together sharing their expertise and supporting those new to crafting; a good opportunity to have a blether regardless of skills. I see an iron, ironing board and sewing machine in place already along with some bits and pieces to help get folk started. Tea and coffee is always available.

Arts & Crafts Group
Speaking of having a blether, the folk coming in to the Jenner Centre seem to enjoy having a chat with us. A recent reminiscence highlighted the fact that the older we get the fewer people there are to share those memories. Muriel Wyse has certainly brought back images of the NHS in the past. It’s good to share those memories – they stimulate our brains and prompt more memories. As well as sharing these thoughts, many of those listening are learning a bit of local history as they’re given an insight into days gone by. We shouldn’t lose these and so we’ll try to record the stories and experiences to create a social history of Brechin’s past. We’ve looked at the shops and businesses when we’ve visited Airlie Gardens but we’d like to develop this further; something similar to the River Street stories which have been put together with support from the Civic Trust. So keep those memories coming.
Looking forward to seeing many of you at our Open Days.
Moira Robertson
Trustee, Brechin Healthcare Group