The Jenner Centre – DD9 Connections Issue No. 9



Jenner Footcare

Joyce has been very busy during the month of May cutting toenails for 50 folk who feel lighter on their feet thanks to her care and attention. Return appointments are currently nearly 12 weeks ahead so the good news is that we will soon have a new member of the team. She will be doing the Footcare training in June and then we’ll be able to offer another day, probably Tuesdays or Fridays. Contact details will remain the same as before. 07517833956.

My Diabetes My Way – IT Support at the Jenner Centre

Diabetes affects many people of all ages and we have been asked by the North East Locality Improvement Group – NE LIG – to share the following.
My Diabetes My Way is Scotland’s interactive diabetes website which helps support people who have diabetes.  Folk in Brechin, Edzell and Montrose are being encouraged to use this website which is a great resource that you can use to improve your diabetes.

Once you have signed up to the website – see below – you can view your own up-to-date diabetes clinic results and get help to manage your condition more effectively. It is also used by clinicians to help explain your results.

The website has leaflets, videos, educational tools and games containing information about diabetes. These include:
My Lifestyle
Understanding Type 1; Living with Type 1.
Growing up with Type 1; Link to TayTeens which is a group for Diabetic teens in the
Tayside area and is run by 25 year old Emma who has been a Type 1 diabetic for 21
Type 2 Diabetes Prevention; Introduction to Type 2 Diabetes; My Type 2 Diabetes.
My Gestational Diabetes; My Baby.
Carbohydrate counting; My Glucose.
and a lot more.

Much information that we need these days is dependent on the internet so if you aren’t able to get on to this website you can get help at the Jenner Centre on Mondays 10am-4pm and Tuesdays and Fridays 10am-12md.
Here is the link to the  Homepage | Information Site ( website.