AGM – The Jenner Centre report by Moira Robertson






Report on The Jenner Centre, November 2021 


Many of you will be familiar with the Jenner Centre and the services that are being provided there. We have been able to remain open throughout the pandemic, following all Covid guidance around masks and hand sanitizers and by providing ‘sneeze” screens in each room and asking that those using the rooms wipe down surfaces at the end of their sessions.  They have been happy to comply with this, grateful that they had indoor premises in which they could meet their clients face to face. (The alternative was a doorstep visit – not exactly confidential – or by phone)

Word has spread among service providers about our facilities and we continue to add new services to the list, the most recent being toenail cutting provided by Joyce – I’m convinced she sprinkles magic dust over the clients’ feet for they emerge from her care with a smile on their faces and a new spring in their step. Also making use of the comfy chair, which was kindly donated, is a hypnotherapist who has just begun weekly sessions.

We, as volunteers, by keeping the doors open have committed an increasing number of hours, averaging around 250 per month. We are very grateful to those of you have joined us in volunteering.

When Paul Cackette, the Reporter paid his visit he was already aware, from all the information contained in our bid, our appeal, and our written responses, of much that goes on at the Jenner Centre and he was interested to see the premises for himself. We felt it was a positive move on his part, not only to agree to a site visit (which he didn’t have to) but to visit both the Infirmary and the Jenner Centre, and also have a feel for the town by walking between the two.

He acknowledged the positive feedback we have had from both service providers and service users and also the shortcomings; the spiral staircase and the upstairs toilets, and the small size of the rooms when it comes to offering sessions for groups. He asked about occupancy levels, again the shortcomings having their effect. He seemed impressed by our flexibility in opening times and the value of a friendly, welcoming, and importantly, neutral venue for many of the clients for whom clinical settings may have a negative vibe. He was also interested that our furniture had been acquired after Covid had become established and that we’d not had to change to more appropriate seating.

As Grahame has said, Paul was giving nothing away, but from his questions and reactions to the answers the visit would seem to have been positive.

Agencies using JC

AIDARS – 2/3 times/week

Criminal Justice – 7/8 times/week

Angus Council Homelessness Support – 1-2 times /week

Angus Homeless Family Mediation Project

Hearing Aid Services – 2 times/week

Alternatives (counselling) – weekly

Community Mental Health Team

Young People’s Services with Terence Higgins Trust

Penumbra – weekly


VAA – 2 days /week

NHS Listening Service – prn

Hear Me counselling – prn

Angus Independent Advocacy – prn

Angus Council Communities Team -prn




Moira Robertson


Brechin Healthcare Group