Jenner Footcare – A new service at The Jenner Centre

BHG is pleased to announce a new service at The Jenner Centre – Toe nails cutting.
The service is being offered by one of our Trustee volunteers, Joyce Galt. She is not a podiatrist and will be just cutting toe nails of those who pass the screening process. She was trained by a NHS podiatrist.
The service is by Appointment only every Monday. You can make appointments with the Jenner Footcare service through email ( and phone (07517 833956) or at The Jenner Centre in person. This is not a free service and there will be a nominal charge of £10 per visit ( which will include the nail kit that will have to be brought back for every subsequent appointment).
The Jenner Centre
24 St. David Street
Angus DD9 6EQ